Hadiths-Qudsi There are two types of hadiths: hadiths that belong to the Prophet - they are called hadiths of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and hadiths that belong to Allah - they are called Hadiths-Qudsi (Holy Hadiths) and are transmitted through the Prophet, peace be upon him. blessing. The book called “Talwih al-Hashiya” says about the Holy Hadith: “The Holy (Qudsi) Hadith is what Allah Almighty inspired to His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, on the day of his ascension (al-Isra wa al-Mi raaj). Therefore, wahi (revelations) can be divided into two types: 1 - Readable revelations. 2 - Transmitted revelations. The revelation being read is the Holy Quran and its verses. And the transmitted revelation is the Holy Hadith, the number of which is close to one hundred.Original: Ali Fikri Yavuz “40 Sacred Hadiths” (SAD Publishing Group LLC, 2008). The work of the now deceased A. Fikri Yavuz is a translation of the collection of Sacred (Qudsi) hadiths “Al-Ithafatus-Sania fil Ahadith al-Qudsiya”, belonging to the pen of Sheikh Muhammad of Mecca Trabzoni Madani (d. 1191 AH).